Internal Family Systems Therapy

I first learned about Internal Family Systems Therapy (IFS) in the book “The Body Keeps the Score” by Bessel van der Kolk (I highly, highly recommend reading this book if you’d like to learn more about trauma and the body). IFS is described as a transformative, evidence-based model of psychotherapy. The belief is that the mind is naturally multiple and that is a good thing. Our inner parts contain valuable qualities […] Read More

Not for the faint of heart

I look back on…February (my last blog post)… and here we are in September. Oh well. I feel I need to at least acknowledge that I had plans to ‘write’ and those plans haven’t happened. I like to ‘plan’ but often if I don’t feel I can execute something perfectly, I never start. What’s been happening since February? I worked a lot in the spring and came into the summer […] Read More

My journey with trauma

  About 2 1/2 years ago I read something in Brene Brown’s book, “Rising Strong” that gave me pause: “Living, growing up, working, or worshipping on eggshells creates huge cracks in our sense of safety and self-worth. Over time, it can be experienced as trauma.” (p. 62, emphasis mine). Hmm…could I have experienced trauma? Well, the answer is yes, yes I have experienced trauma and it has impacted me in […] Read More

Echoes of the Triune’s Heart

I find that God speaks to me through songs. Here’s a snatch from one of my recent favorites: If you need something to believe in If you feel you’ve reached the end of the road Don’t be afraid, I’ll always guide you home You should know I’m never gonna let you down I’m always gonna build you up And when you’re feeling lost I will always find you love I’m […] Read More

Reflections of 2015

2015 is over, 2016 has just begun. Christmas celebrations are over and I find myself thinking about this past year. It’s been a good year and it’s been a hard one. I feel blessed by God and think of Paul’s prayer in Ephesians “…asking God, the glorious Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, to give you spiritual wisdom and insight so that you might grow in your knowledge of God.  […] Read More

The end…of NaBloPoMo

Well…I made it to the end of the month. I missed a few days here and there but kept it up for the most part. Life’s been busy this past month and I didn’t get a chance to write about some of the things I wanted to, but there’s always next month. I’ll leave you with something I’ve been thinking about for the past few days. I don’t think we, […] Read More


I spent this evening going through boxes of old photographs, looking for photos of my mom. There were lots of photos of when my two sons were little. It was kind of hard looking at them. They reminded me of who I was back then. I was so young and insecure! I wish I knew what I know now. I wish I was who I am now. I would have […] Read More


It’s American Thanksgiving. I couldn’t think of what to write and then I remembered this great little graphic I discovered a few months ago and I thought today would be the perfect day to share it.

Three generations

I started scanning photos of my mom this evening (I’m making a photobook of her for myself and my family). I found a picture of her in grade 4. Just this past weekend, I happened to dig up a photo of myself from grade 4. It didn’t take much to locate a photo of my daughter from this past October (she happens to be in grade 4 this year). So […] Read More